The cornerstone of President Obama’s efforts to improve the
quality of health care in the US is a series of financial incentives. These
incentives reward hospitals that meet certain requirements, and punish those
that do not.
It is still a controversial strategy, several months after
the first of these incentives rolled out. Many experts attacked the president’s
plan, citing some fairly obvious reasoning.
The idea that people will be motivated to do better if they are paid more as a result may seem like common sense, but medicine is complex, Himmelstein said. Often the measures used to determine success do not match the conditions of care or patient outcomes the program is meant to address, he said. Himmelstein said other fields have struggled with pay-for-performance programs. Under national education policy, schools that score poorly on standardized tests receive less funding. “They’re the ones who need it most,” he said. “Is the right reaction to poor quality that those institutions need fewer resources, not more?”
A study was conducted in August, measuring the efficacy of
financial incentives to quality of care. While the results weren’t purely
negative, they also didn’t exactly celebrate the President’s victory.
A review of seven studies of primary care programs that paid
doctors extra for meeting certain targets, published by the Cochrane
Collaboration in September, was inconclusive about the effect on quality of care. “Implementation should proceed with caution,” the authors wrote.
Other studies were less neutral. The New England Journal of
Medicine released results showing that financial incentives for performance “did
not reduce short-term patient mortality rates.”
What do you think? Are incentives effective in the long
term? Do we need a new national strategy to improve quality of care?

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