WithumSmith + Brown’s CEO, Bill Hagman, explored the way
that some of these businesses are changing in a lengthy article on
CEOthinks.com. Here are a few choice excerpts from the article.
In the months and years ahead, this legislation as we know it today will likely change, but most likely will not disappear in it entirety, as it is expected that certain provisions contained within the healthcare reform act will continue even in the event the act is overturned in the future. Regulations and additional implementation guidance will be issued; new initiatives will be proposed; and those that have already passed may be adjusted or withdrawn. As professional service providers and advisors, it is imperative that our views be both bipartisan and neutral, preparing our clients for whatever may come post-election. At this point, however, there is much more clarification to be provided by the IRS on definitions and compliance rules, so we cannot advise on too many specifics just yet. However, we do have some guidance to share in times like these……The most important piece of advice we can share with our business clients is to be proactive in running a lean and mean company, focusing on the areas of employee utilization, operational efficiencies and expense cutting, getting the most value out of every dollar.
Hagman’s expertise is in tax law, and the article’s opinions
reflect that. However, any major health facility can certainly appreciate his
advice on “getting the most value out of every dollar.”
The ACA will bring a massive change to health care, there is
no question about it. The only thing we can hope to do is keep up with those
changes, and rely on partners that can provide the support necessary to stay