Many marketing communications firms will be tested on this trait with the recently published 2011 marketing regulations from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). In the document, it lists a number of important changes, many of which will directly affect how organizations develop their documents. Some of the notable differences include:
- The Summary of Benefits will be part of the required materials for the enrollment kit starting in OEP 2010.
- There will be clarification of current plan mailing statements and the addition of a new mailing statement for non-health, non-plan information. Also, there is a new requirement for the inclusion of the plan name or logo on every mailing to beneficiaries.
- There will be clarification of requirements for plan sponsors with non-English speaking or special needs populations.
- You can expect significantly restructured and consolidated disclaimer requirements.
- Clarification of requirements for provider and pharmacy directory mailings, specifically regarding multiple people living at the same address.
- Because healthcare organizations will need to address these new realities effective immediately, organizations need a partner organization that has proven that they can address changes seamlessly.
- The Summary of Benefits change affects 2010 Enrollment Kits that we produce today. We understand this and are fully prepared to accommodate the recent changes.
- Creating a translation service from scratch is timely. However, certain firms already offer a translation service for the non-English speaking population and can be serviced in the same quality, professional manner as our English speaking clients.
- Restructured and consolidated disclaimers along with new mailing requirements for provider and pharmacy directories are dramatic changes for the 2011 enrollment period. Some communications firms know this, while others need to be told. This is an important difference.